I am very particular that patients understand enough about anesthesia to be appropriately concerned regarding what they are about to agree to undergo. In my youth, I supervised an anesthetist who routinely minimized what she said so as to not "upset" the patients. ("you are going to take a little nap while Dr Smith does your surgery...") Nonsense. That's not what we do, and it's not the way patients ought to think about what we do (and what they are agreeing to endure...) This little conceit creates a false basis for informed consent and trivializes what we do. (we're not just "passing gas" here...) Patients don't believe it, anyway; they know that surgery and anesthesia involve risk and pain, and that anyone who says differently is just selling something.
Grandpa: ...I'm explaining to you because you look nervous.
I wasn't nervous. Maybe I was a little bit "concerned" but that's not the same thing.
The Princess Bride
Informed consent is not primarily about a laundry list of possible complications, either (we might chip a tooth, you might have a headache, you might be nauseated, etc). Laundry lists are for lawyers, lawsuits, and hotels. Anyway, you'd have to go pretty far to find a real case involving money given to an injured patient specifically because the trier of fact believed that the anesthesiologist didn't tell the patient the complication could happen. Yes, I know there are a few notorious cases out there. There is also the recent case where a poor wretch was burned when lightning hit his IPOD, so I guess I better stop listening on my daily walk. (well, almost daily walk...) And yes, I know that plaintiff attorneys use lack of detailed informed consent to suggest to juries that the defendant is sloppy. But they also will use your late payment of your state society dues the same way, so be prompt in writing those checks... Informed consent as a moral act is something else; it is a mutual understanding between me and my patient that anesthesia and surgery are generally risky, that I will do my best to minimize that risk, and that my best may not be good enough. Good informed consent involves a touch of humility; a recognition that sometimes things are beyond our mortal control. As a prelude to informed consent, I generally tell my patients:
"sleep is what you do at night,and you don't need my expensive help for that. But if your surgeon were to creep into your bedroom and cut you with a scalpel, you would immediately wake up in pain. What I do is place you in a drug induced coma, which I monitor and reverse when the surgery is over. If you are not carefully and continuously monitored, the anesthetic unconsciousness along with the side effects of the surgeon's operating would be dangerous for you. I will stay with you the whole time and adjust the anesthetic and make it as safe as possible, which, by the way, is pretty safe. I trained a long time, I have been doing this a long time, and I am good at it. Would you like to know more before agreeing to proceed?"
This takes about 45 seconds. I frequently hold a hand while saying this, and I try to maintain eye contact. Some people want to know more, Most say something like; "no doc-it's ok. let's do it." Nobody refuses to proceed. Nobody is more scared at the end of that little monologue than they were at the beginning. Nobody ever is allowed to confuse anesthesia with sleep. Everybody takes me seriously, because I take what I do seriously (and because I have a grey beard and a bowtie).
Obviously, children don't get talked to in this way, but their parents do. If they are nervous about it; well, they should be. When I send my own kids to the OR, I'm a wreck; aren't you? I don't play much pretend with kids, either. I tell them it might hurt some, but that we'll do our best to make it not hurt at all. The important thing I do with kids is I sit on the floor; I never look down at a child-always across to or up at them. It makes a big difference; don't ask me why. I'm no mammalian behaviorist. I just know that they trust me more and are less scared if they are looking across at me. And since I'm in my fifties, fat, and wear bright bow ties, I suppose I'm a sight creaking my way down and back up; let'em all laugh. Laughing is good... I always talk to the child or adolescent, even if the answers are coming from the parent; after the interview part is done, I'll connect with the folks; first things first. If it takes me five minutes to connect, well, that's five minutes well spent in my book (I drive busy surgeons crazy, I'm afraid. Oh Well!) If I can't connect with a child pre-op (or any patient, for that matter) it's a lousy case for me, no matter how well the anesthetic and surgery go. It's just the way I'm made, I guess.
I put mortality in the context of a career. I expect to do 50000 cases in my career. I tell healthy people who want to know that the anesthesia death rate for the healthy is about 1 in 150k to 200k. Therefore, currently, three or four anesthesiologists might have one anesthetic death in a healthy person between them during their whole careers. Normally, open heart patients have a much exaggerated perception of their risk of mortality; when I tell a routine CABG family they have a statistical 1 or 1.5% risk of death, they are invariably relieved. Patients with diabetes, renal failure or CHF have a higher risk of course, as do patients for valves. I remind my higher risk patients that the team strives to do everything right, and that even if we do everything right, the outcome may not be what we and they would like. I tell them that that little extra thing is either luck or divine providence, whichever they believe. Incidentally, some surgeons have a hard time saying this; it's not that they are arrogant (well, not always, anyway....) it's more that an acknowledgment that they are not in total control makes them anxious, too. I gave up any pretense of total control a long time ago (I have teenage and adult kids!), so it's easy for me.
The most common question I get concerns awareness; more and more people are concerned about this. I think it's great; somebody who is worried about awareness isn't likely to take my care for granted, and they are paying attention. (Since we all have BIS monitors, and we all are obsessive about checking our vaporizer fill levels as part of our scans, and since we all set our anesthetic concentration alarms, awareness is only about early trauma resuscitation management, isn't it? As an aside, is there any reason why ALL new vaporizers do not have an "empty" alarm like desflurane? Come on, Drager and GE Medical, and FDA...) Normally, I find that once I express my own concern that such a thing not happen, and describe how I avoid it (check concentrations of inhalation agent, BIS, etc.) people are sufficiently re-assured.
Clausewitz, the German Officer/author of "ON WAR" wrote of combat; "Everything is very simple in war, but the simplest thing is difficult." So it is with anesthesiology. It isn't sleep; it's a reversible, drug induced coma; simple? maybe. Easy? Not if you're doing it right.
The best teacher my boys ever had taught third grade. When my older son had him for third grade, my younger son was in kindergarten. The first day of school, the younger one was anxious about how he would get to the room where the afterschool program was at the end of the day. I brought him to my older son's third-grade classroom and asked the teacher to let my thirdgrader go down to the kindergarten room at the end of the day to pick him up and take him to the afterschool room. The teacher got down on the floor, looked my kindergartner in the eye and told him not to worry because he would make sure his brother came down to get him. I never forgot how that teacher made my son feel like his concerns were important.
Posted by: Marie Theresa | July 23, 2024 at 08:54 AM
Dear Experts,
I have had impaired brain fuction as the result of general anesthetics. I know that proving a causal connection is difficult. However it seems that too many people seem to think that simply being unable to prove something necessarily disproves it.
Following more than one occasion of recieving GA at the age of 36 I awoke with terrible head pain which was unendurable. On scale 1-10 it was off the scale. (Childbirth 4)Following this I found I had lost a massive amount of brain function.
Subsequently I had many ops under local until I came to a surgeon who did not believe that there was a problem. As a result he used GA against my consent resulting in catastrophic effects. He later cliamed it was only for sedation. I became immediately unconscious and was out for three hours. I have constant and debilitating headaches, lost a gt deal of brain function and have become absurdly sensitive to a wide range of chemicals. Comments and recommendations please.DMJ.
Posted by: DMJ | September 06, 2024 at 11:11 AM
I had general anaethesia a for a hip replacement 3 weeks ago. Healing going well. Physical therapy 3x week. Most days I nap after lunch. Problem is that when I wake up I feel as tho I returned to "coma-like" or "hibernation-like" state of anaethesia. I have difficulty breathing, just as I did right after surgery. I feel groggy and unable to think clearly. These symptoms last a few hours then clear up.
What is this? Should I be concerned? Any recommendations for what to do? Thank you.
Posted by: Amy Russell | September 28, 2024 at 12:31 PM
Can inhaled anesthesia exacerbate essential tremor and cause enough cell death to "tip someone over" into Parkinson's disease?
I awoke from anesthesia shaking terrible--allmost rattling my bones against tthe table--and haven't been the same since. The days post surgery my arms were shaky and i had trouble dialing the phone. I could no longer pick the guitar. The other symptoms came on more gradually. Did teh anesthsia do this? Was I moer vulnerable due to essential tremor?
Posted by: feannie Winkelman | June 07, 2024 at 02:24 PM
Hi. The shaking you experienced was almost certainly shivering, a common side effect (5-10%) of general anesthesia. It occurs when the patient is cold/hypothermic following anesthesia, or sometimes, just from drug effects of the anesthetic, and is usually treated with demerol, although the mechanism by which demerol alleviates this shivering is not understood. Data suggests that it does work, however.
While inhalation anesthesia is known to be mildly neuro-toxic (kills brain cells), I am aware of no data to suggest that an uneventful anesthetic would exacerbate (worsen) existing tremors or initiate the onset of parkinsonism. Arm weakness/shakiness can be caused by tightness of the spinal canal at the neck, and other mechanical problems of the brain/spinal cord. I assume that you underwent a careful evaluation to rule out the many possible causes of such distressing symptoms.
I hope that you have found a diagnosis and some relief from this problem. If you are in or near a big city or academic center, a consultation with a neurologist who specializes in motion disorders would be a good next step.
Good luck to you and thanks for dropping by
Posted by: mkeamy | June 09, 2024 at 11:34 AM
Really great and informative piece. I've been "under" before and that's exactly how it was explained to me! Truth be told, I did have anxiety because I still felt like I wasn't too sure what was going on. To be fair though, I do have anxiety problems haha. For anyone with anxiety issues like me, I suggest visiting http://vaporizers.net and purchasing a low key one to vaporize anti-anxiety herbs like lavendar or sage.
Posted by: vaporizers | June 18, 2024 at 12:37 PM
Interesting article.
My family is currently is a rather uncomfortable position right now of watching a father/grandfather with some serious medical issues. My father-in-law had a heart attack while on the table for a bypass a number of years ago. This left him with approx. 15 to 20% heart efficiency. Even with that he has lead a pretty normal, albeit slower and not without issues, life for that last 10 to 12 years.
Recently, he was diagnosed with melanoma on the top of his head. A procedure was done which ended up with 6 months of infection and a rejected skin graph. He was referred to Duke and a top surgeon there. They did surgery under general anesthesia to remove the melanoma and part of the skull, leaving him with an open hole in the top of his head. The plan was to put him under again to close the hole. No matter what this was a two surgery procedure.
After the first surgery there was a false sense of comfort because of how well he was recovering, better than when he was pre op.
The Anesthetist did on numerous times warn of the risks with GA prior to both surgeries. My father-in-law was counseled at length and made to sign a living will type document about a number of situations.
My father-in-laws wife of 50+ years and oldest daughter left for the week prior to his second surgery and would be back the day follow it. My wife was there with him the day before and the day of the 2nd surgery and heard the warnings.
Within minutes of starting the second surgery and just went under GA, he crashed. BP was lost, compressions were started. After about half an hour of working on him my wife was called in to be updated and was told his condition and to contact family members. We didn't hear anything else for another 4 hours. I drove 3 hours to get my mother-in-law and was partially into the return trip when we got an update. They were able to revive him and he is somewhat stable, some wild BP swings because of a med that all the Drs want him off asap.
They still need to do surgery to fix the hole and are planning surgery on Tuesday to close the hole.
I had a hernia repair a few months ago, laparoscopically, and when the Anesthetist talked with me the risks told to me were dramatically downplayed. I'm in good health but after the surgery for about 2 weeks I had a sense of disorientation, almost detachment, maybe call it an aura. None of these possible side effects were ever told to me.
I'm sure GA effects everyone differently based on each persons physiology and conditions but I agree that it should never be downplayed. Anyone going under GA should not wait for a Dr to tell them the risks you need to be proactive and talk to them and not just nod your head in consent.
Posted by: Gary | October 26, 2024 at 06:53 AM
Hello, i am really scared about going into dental surgery, i went to have a injection 2 months ago to get 3 teeth taken out while i was awake but i am soooo teribbly petrified with needles, im coming up soon with my general anstetic and i am getting really scared?!!! Is there anything you can say to give me a boost?? Thanks.
Posted by: Lou saffy | November 04, 2024 at 09:21 AM
Normally, dentists will just sedate rather than induce full general anesthesia; either nitrous oxide or injectable sedation, like midazolam. Is this what your caregiver is planning? If so, you ought to be fine if you are otherwise healthy and go with an empty stomach...
Posted by: Mitch Keamy | November 05, 2024 at 08:37 AM
Please can you help me? I'm about to go into hospital to have an operation to remove my wisdom tooth, and it's going to be done under General Anaesthetic. I am absolutely terrified about suffering some kind of damage to my brain function.
Is there anything you can tell me that might help?
I would greatly appreciate any assistance you can give.
Many thanks.
Posted by: Stuart Rapschutz | July 01, 2024 at 02:41 AM
Without knowing you particular health situation, specific reassurance would be idle and irresponsible. However, in general, anesthesia is extraordinarily safe thanks to a century of hard work by many dedicated scientists and academic clinicians. Anxiety is a common emotional response to surgery and anesthesia, and your anesthesiologist will be glad to give you medications to alleviate your fear. As well, you should have a careful discussion regarding your anesthetic plan; I find that informing patients regarding their care is reassuring to them.
Good luck
Posted by: Mitch Keamy | July 01, 2024 at 07:49 AM
Hi, I'm a 37 year old mom, who's goin'to have a reduction mammoplasty, I've read everything about anesthesia and it's risk and it's relatively safe but still got this nagging thoughts...I'm hypothyroid and I know that anesthesia will have some reaction or whatever...and I'm also hyperlipemic, will it make some clots to tear away from my arterial wall if ever I have any plaque formation in my artery and cause embolism?
Posted by: cathy | September 06, 2024 at 03:46 AM
I had ether for my tonsilectomy when I was 3 to 4 years old about 1946.
I remember something about a funnel before I went under. It makes me uneasy to think about it today so something doesn't feel right.
Was ether ever administrated by an enema?
My mother said I was enraged when I woke up. I was standing in the crib screaming and had huge bald spots all over my head where I had pulled out chunks of my hair.
Later in life I was an alcoholic and finally realized that ether was the very first alcohol I ever ingested.
I'd like to know if anyone experienced those sort of things.
Posted by: Linny | December 11, 2023 at 08:46 AM