I've just returned from the ASA where I participated on a Panel discussing "Anesthesia, the internet, and the future" with three talented co-panelists; Vivek Moitra, Micheal Woo, and Bill Hanson. Bill discussed Penn's implementation of the Electronic ICU at Penn. Vivek talked on using the internet as an anesthesia intellectual resource, and Mike discussed the nuts and bolts and ethics of video posting. I presented on social networking tools and the evolving clash between the new technologies and existing societal laws, structures and values. In this post I will provide links to some of the resources I follow to keep up.
I have had twitter and facebook acconts for quite a while; in my digital practice, twitter is actually the more interesting. Facebook is cluttered with too many games and inducements to random interaction amongst the friend cohort. But then again, I'm not 17.
When last I talked on social networking tools, in 2008,I concentrated on potential anesthesia applications. This year I discussed the internet and society. The first place I would direct the interested is to Clay Shirky's lecture at Google Headquarters ("Schoogle") which can be found on you tube. This is the lecture accompanying his first book, Here Comes Everybody. It's simply spectacular. Clay is now affiliated with the Berkman Center for the Internet and Society at Harvard.
danah boyd (she does not capitalize her name) is another thinker on the societal ramifications of the social web, with more of a focus on age based psychology. She is also now affiliated with Berkman, and is a social media researcher at Microsoft Research New England. You do not have to drill very deep to pull in the broader range of thinker/talkers from these three links. I would particularly direct interested parties to the schoogle lectures; I have yet to watch one that wasn't fascinating.
I will post more on my talk in the next week or so, but I wanted to get these resource links up for any interested parties.
So what's your twitter handle? Mine is @rlbates
I avoid most of the FB games (love scrabble, lexulous). Love the family/friend photo sharing.
Posted by: rlbates | October 22, 2024 at 06:48 AM